Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is Living Free located?

A: We are physically located at 3405 W. Kenyon Ave., Tampa, FL 33614.

Click Here to contact Us for more information.

Our mailing address is 3405 W. Kenyon Ave., Tampa, FL 33614


Q: Can a Christian really be afflicted by a demonic stronghold?

A: This is probably the most frequently asked question we get about our ministry. The answer is yes, absolutely. While we receive a new Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, when we are born again, our soul and bodies remain the same. Our memories, pains of the past, current afflictions and infirmities normally remain. This is why deliverance ministry is so important in our efforts to walk a victorious Christian life. Click Here to learn much more about how Christians can be afflicted by demons and how we are set free.


Q: How do I go through deliverance?

A: You can obtain deliverance through Private Counseling Sessions at our Living Free Counseling Center, or you can attend the "Break Free" group deliverance seminar. Both are proven successful in setting Christians free. Click Here to learn more about the "Break Free" deliverance seminar.


Q: I want to get trained in deliverance. What class should I sign up for?

A: Many people get confused about which class to register for. If you are interested in being trained for deliverance ministry, then you need to attend the School of Deliverance through our Warfare Academy. The School of Deliverance is a three day class which will teach you how to set others free. Following the School of Deliverance, there is also an Advanced School of Deliverance for those wishing to learn even more about setting people free. The Advanced School of Deliverance has a specific training on the spiritual roots of disease and how to pray effectively for healings. There is a prerequisite to attend these training seminars, however, which is attendance at a "Break Free" group deliverance seminar, or going through private deliverance prior to attending the School of Deliverance. Click Here to learn more about the School of Deliverance and Advanced School.


Q: What other ministries are part of Living Free?

A: The ministries of Living Free are below:

 Our umbrella ministry of Living Free.

 Our Christian Counseling center.

 Our school for deliverance, Christian counseling and degree