Written Testimonies
Read written testimonies of many who have been set free by the power of God through our deliverance ministry. Click on the item you wish to read and the box will open with the testimony. Use the scroll bar on the right of the text box if you cannot read the entire testimony.
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I want to thank you for your teaching, counseling, and deliverance prayer. After almost six years of taking anxiety medication, I have been set free. Anxiety, fear, and depression were common on my mother's side of the family. Off and on for eight years I had episodes of anxiety attacks that were treated with medication. Approximately four years ago, I was put on anxiety medication every day. I rededicated my life to Christ two years ago. After two years of prayer, I saw progress but was not totally healed. A friend of mine suggested going through personal counseling through your ministry.
After my deliverance prayer, I stopped my medication. It has truly been a process that I see God's favor in my life. Every new challenge that God brings me through are miracles to me. I am becoming stronger in my relationship with Christ. It has now been five weeks since my deliverance. Praise God!
I thank God for your ministry! I first found your ministry on a website and found out that you have a healing room ministry. I was interested in bringing a friend of mine to get prayed for. It was a Saturday in November that I was in the area and sought out to find your church. As I did, a School of Deliverance I believe was just getting out. So, I asked someone for some information and they directed me to Claire. She introduced me to the church and your ministries there. I really liked what I saw and heard. So, I attended that Sunday a service (I was looking for a new church also).
Before service, I asked the pastor's wife for some information on your counseling and deliverance ministry. I have been in secular counseling, on medications for most of my life. I have been hospitalized many times for long periods for severe depression and being suicidal. Well, I went through the counseling/deliverance program. The deliverance was totally awesome! Some things in my life did not want to leave yet The counselor persevered until they did. It truly was an experience to say the least. I can not recall ever being so peaceful and beginning to experience and understand the love God has for me and who I am in Him. It is awesome!
My family has commented on how different I am. My oldest sister said that something is so different about me and that I seemed a lot more happy, not depressed, more alert etc. She wanted to know if I was on a new medication and if so what because she wanted to check into it and be on it also. This opened a door for me to share with her some of what happened and why I am so different. I am the only Christian in the family. It truly is a miracle what has taken place in my life and is still going to take place. I am sooo thankful for a people that are so in love with the Lord and open and willing vessels for God to work and minister through to set people free! I pray that God blesses you a trillion fold!
I remember all of your faces who sat in front of me and prayed for deliverance. Thank you from the depths of my soul. I have never felt this free in my entire life. I had no idea how much I needed it. I wish I could express even more than this. I also thank those that did not sit in front of me but were around me and just even in the room. God's presence was so strong because of you, too. I walk in so much more love and I can hear the voice of God more clearly. I find it easier to move past obstacles the enemy puts in front of me and I am quicker to repent of sins.
I started smoking marijuana at age 15. And I became addicted. It was my drug of choice. I continued smoking my entire life (mid 50's). With my last job, there was always a chance of being drug tested so I couldn't smoke as much as I wanted to. When I discovered I could retire early, I thought I could start smoking more without worrying about being tested, so I retired. I spent at least 3 hours a day devoted to my addiction, usually much more. I scoped out places that I could go to and smoke without being caught. I had to plan out everything I did, and everything we did as a family so I would be able to smoke my dope. If my wife and I went away for the weekend, I would have to check out our motel room and make sure that the balcony was just right so that I could smoke without being seen or detected.
Ventilation fans had to be just right in the bathrooms and so on. In fact, I even installed a special ventilation system in our bathroom at home so I could smoke there. I was consumed with my my addiction. Our vacations were trying and limited with this huge obstacle in my life. I also had to be concerned about my three children. I had many tricks to conceal the smell, and the fact that I was in total bondage. It was a never ending hassle. When my wife found out by smelling it one time, new issues began. Would she tell? Was she now the enemy, when she had always been my soul mate??? I didn't know what might happen next. I always drove safely for fear of being pulled over by a cop and arrested. I didn't want to be in jail if my frail and elderly Mother died. I was even concerned that my wife may have me arrested, thinking it would help me to stop. She really hated the fact that this thing had such a hold on me. She said that my personality changed, once I knew that she knew, and there was a wedge between the two of us now. I became obsessed with the regret of leaving the job that I once loved so much. I would dwell on my regrets so much that it caused me to go into a deep depression. I used to think the drug was an antidepressant , ( just a lie from Satan, I later discovered). I became so depressed, that I just wanted to run away and hide in the mountains somewhere and smoke my dope. Even attending church frequently and being a spirit filled Christian didn't make the difference that I needed. Then one day I remembered, a long time ago, an old friend of mine had mentioned going somewhere in Tampa and getting deliverance from his problems. I still put it off a long time, but as I got closer to the end of my rope, I decided to tell my wife to check into it for me, She did, and I took it from there.
I went to the deliverance secessions at the Break Free Ministry, and received the teachings from Dr. Don Ibbitson. Instantly, the desire for pot, the addiction, and the depression was gone, "praise God". For the first time in many years, I could see light at the end of the tunnel. When I got home, I couldn't stop talking about this miracle that had happened in my life and that I have never felt so free. My wife assisted me with flushing all my very good pot and new rolling papers down the toilet. Since then, I have attended the school of deliverance, the advanced school of deliverance, and am active with helping other people receive their deliverance I have also grown much closer to the Lord. I believe life is more spiritual than it is tangible and that many Christians don't understand the importance of deliverance. I know that so many are missing out on being set free. Sometimes it takes more than belief and faith to overcome life binding bondage. It was the greatest thing I have every done, other than receiving Christ into my life.
What took me to your ministry was, I was struggling with lustful thoughts, and this made me feel very guilty and dirty. Every time I was at church trying to worship Jesus when my eyes were closed I would see images of naked people. At this point I would stop worshiping Jesus and I would have to start battling with my mind to stop these images.
When I went to New Beginnings I was nervous, my stomach would just get tight. The counselor made me feel very comfortable. I was able to open up like I never did with any body else. I used to pray to Jesus to cleanse me to reveal to me anything that was still in me that I didn't want it. I wanted to feel clean and be clean for him.
When I was a little girl I was molested by an uncle, I was about 4 years old. I also found out I was rejected by my mother and father in their thoughts or at least in my mothers was the thought of abortion, so that there opened up a door in my life for a rejection spirit. As I was growing up so were the spirit of lust and rejection. I was exposed to pornographic magazines when I was about 9 years old. So my mind was already perverted.
I remember now that when I was about 9 or 10 years I had committed a sexual sin with an animal. This was an ugly one. Because nobody new about this, I my self had forgotten about this, and when I was prayed over for the spirit of bestiality, it got ugly, because that had never come out before so it was strong, but God is stronger!!! I was set free from it.
This perverted spirit opened up more doors in my life through sexual sins. Then on top of it all I was also exposed to Santeria, the occult. I was very manipulated, scared, afraid, insecure, I felt not worthy, I also had a jezebel spirit, because I was very controlling before. God also set me free from Emotional soul ties, I used to be very emotional about anything, I would start crying.
But Glory be to God, I was set free!!!! I learned that because of ungodly soul ties these spirits were still there. But Jesus set me free!!!! Now I'm learning to take authority in Jesus name and through his living blood, I know how to bind spirits how to protect my children my marriage, finances, and my home.
If anybody reads this testimony and you feel you're struggling through some of these areas, I encourage you to seek help, because God loves you and he wants to set you free. Let him, he's willing, he loves you very much you just can't imagine. John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[1] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Thank you JESUS FOR SETTING ME FREE through the ministry of New Beginnings!!!
As a newly born-again Christian, my best friend introduced me to New Beginnings “Break Free” Deliverance Seminar. I walked in loaded with strong “generational spirits” of lust, selfishness, jealousy, abandonment, and every fear imaginable. Along with these, my Mother’s death left me with another type of inheritance…Soul ties connected to suicide, alcoholism, and greed. Needless to say, the Zoloft wasn’t cutting it anymore.
I knew the only way to be set free was to be delivered by the blood of Jesus. After two days of repentance and forgiveness, I spent three hours crying through leering spirits as they fought to stay “home”. I walked out…Clean…”hidden under the shadow of HIS wings.” And only by those Wings, and HIS constant companionship, have I remained clean. I am a work in progress. But here’s the great thing about our God…He already sees us as the “finished product”. It is our responsibility to get there….and this deliverance session is the only one I know of that helps you do that. God has plans for me….and now I can hear him…LOUD AND CLEAR! THANK YOU.
I just want to thank, and pray blessings of double-portion, on your holy ordained ministry. My wife and I attended deliverance sessions at your ministry. A truly caring and knowledgeable spiritual-warrior for the Lord led us carefully, patiently and powerfully thru what I now testify, a successful deliverance (TRULY A NEW-BEGINNING!!!!!)
Two months after our 10-year Anniversary, my husband decided to confess some sins of the past. He confessed to being unfaithful with an old girlfriend shortly after our second year of marriage. He also confessed to going to a on a business trip less than 2 years ago. The pain I felt was unbearable. I went through several emotions from pain, anger, resentment, self-pity, worry, suspicion, isolation and even illness. I was dwelling on the “why did he do it?” “What if I had prayed more?” and “how can I ever trust him again?”
I was so miserable that I would cry periodically all day. I finally sought counseling. I went to one session alone and the second with my husband. We both agreed that my depression and withdrawal was increasing rather than decreasing. My husband wanted more than anything to be a better husband and father. I just didn't know how to climb out of that pit of self-pity. I kept hearing about New Beginnings on the Joy FM and my husband mentioned it too. I finally called and that was the beginning of a better and stronger marriage.
I have been a Christian all my life and never realized the true power of prayer. I have been truly freed from the torment that was upon me. It's only been two weeks and yes, Satan still tries to gets those thoughts going. The difference is that I am stronger because I have laid my burden at the foot of the cross, have taken up my armor, and wear it daily. I am no longer a slave to Satan's evil spirits that were upon me, but a warrior of the Lord. When Satan starts knocking at my door, I simply say, those sins have been forgiven, all judgment has been let go and this door is no longer open to you. Thank you for showing me the path of restoration. Our marriage is growing stronger still and our children are secure in the love that God has given us. God Bless you in your work!
I know that all Christians are tempted. The apostle Paul probably best described the plight for most of us when he wrote, "the things I don't want to do are the very things I do!"
For me, that temptation began when I was homosexually molested as a young boy. As the abuse continued through my early teen years, I began a pattern of behavior, thoughts and attitudes that led me to a suicide attempt at 16. Though I am married, I felt almost powerless against the drive toward homosexual relationships. Anger, fear, resentment, guilt, shame and a host of other emotions gripped me daily and nightly. I was truly at a dead-end.
Then, my best friend went through deliverance counseling at New Beginnings. I was skeptical when he first told me about the concept, but when I saw the transformation in his life; I knew I needed to experience the same thing.
I approached the counseling with a readiness and willingness to let God have full control... and when the enemy's strongholds were broken in my life - and they were broken - I experienced a freedom and peace that I'd never known.
Yes, Jesus paid the price at Calvary two thousand years ago, but He led me to this ministry in 2002 and my life has been changed forever. New Beginnings doesn't have exclusive rights to Christ's power, but the counselor showed me how to effectively apply MY rights as His child to the past and the problems that had plagued me. God has truly blessed the ministry at New Beginnings and, in turn, has blessed me through their ministry.
Over several years my addiction to Pornography prevented me from FULLY living and enjoying my life as a Christian. I struggled with the grip of the sin on my own never fully being free of it. Warfare Ministries set me free of my bondage and revealed that I have the spiritual power through Jesus Christ to keep the bondage of sin away out of my life. Because of Warfare Ministries I now have a clear understanding of the spiritual attacks on my mind and will use the spiritual powers given to me by Christ so I can remain victorious for the rest of my life.
Thank you for the understanding God revealed to me through your ministry. Although Satan has been trying hard to get me to go back to my old habits I am still victorious. Keep up the good fight.
Thanks for your time and energy in ministering to our family. Words cannot express our feelings of thankfulness and joy over the change in her countenance and attitudes.
Upon becoming a follower of Jesus in the late 60's there was much growth and development of a personal relationship with my Redeemer. Over the years my desire and focus has been to serve the Lord however He directed. This mission included teaching Bible studies at home and church, writing and directing Vacation Bible School programs and participating in a local and international intercessory prayer ministry. Along the way, struggles and feelings of guilt, inadequacy and depression were experienced. Sleepless nights and panic attacks were common events in my life. During a devastating event in my adult daughters life, I was speaking with my former pastors wife when she told me of a group of Christian counselors. She related how this group of dedicated counselors was successful in delivering people from demonic attacks. She read an evening prayer from their ministry that connected with my heartfelt desires for my family and myself. She sent me a tape series along with the book "This Means War" that included the prayer she read to me.
With great hunger and hope I read the book, which described all my needs and answered many questions. I was impressed with Paul and Claire Hollis' simple yet profoundly thorough solutions to age-old problems. The Holy Spirit quickened the desire to see my family and me totally set free. Our Heavenly Father designed his children to experience liberated lives not ones reeling from one catastrophe to another. The fulfillment of our calling cannot be enjoyed or performed while we are loaded down with heavy baggage and bound in chains of worldly cares moving only in response to our emotions day after day. My husband and I felt that attending the private counseling opportunities would be freeing for us and imperative for our daughter’s mental health and well-being. After picking up our daughter at her home we proceeded to Tampa for counseling.
The counselor interviewed us individually to gain insight into our backgrounds as well as being assured of our salvation. He explained the causes and effects of open door areas allowing strongholds to enter and develop a root system of control. Insightful homework was assigned daily. Individually and in privacy, while seeking the direction and leadership of the Holy Spirit, we sought to expose unresolved areas of unforgiveness, judgments, unconfessed sin and other ways the enemy and his ungodly spirits gained permission to take "squatter rights" in our souls.
After shutting all the doors of enemy entrance and burning the bridges, we were separately led thru deliverance. The counseling team prayed and released the binding strongholds in each area of our lives. To my surprise some hidden "live-ins" were exposed and dealt with during this session. It was with great authority and understanding that deliverance was gained. I have in the last 5 or so years considered myself a gentle and kind person, however, during my deliverance there was great fighting outwardly by the demonic forces. They were unwilling to go easily and tried to maintain residency within my soul. Thru the counselor’s persistence, I received release and freedom from the hindering spirits and I now have total freedom to pursue God's calling upon my life.
There is no way to measure by time or money the value of a freed life. Thankfully our family is walking out of that dark tunnel into liberated freedom of unspeakable joy in our Savior. I am looking forward to all my Heavenly Father has in mind for my family and me. I praise Jesus for granting to each of us the authority over the devil and his horde of evil demons. What an incredible loving God we have who desires above all else our freedom. We are free to enjoy Him and His sufficiency in all things because of this helpful caring ministry. There is nothing to lose but heavy baggage and bondage and VICTORY to gain in a moment-to-moment walk with Jesus.
As an employee in a correctional institution environment for many years, I was subjected to continuous negativity from inmates and staff from a variety of backgrounds. A more negative and depressing environment you could not find.
The exposure to the depression, oppression and death, coupled with a staff that had personal habits that are directly and often intentionally against the will of God was daily. I became depressed to the point where I did not eat or sleep for several days at a time.
Satan, while I was in this weakened state, sent his demons to oppress me. They taunted me verbally and physically. They pinched me, stung me, and showed themselves to me. They threatened that my family would die if I did not surrender my soul to the devil. I opened my Bible and began to search for the scripture on demon banishing. I did not know where it was, but the demons did and told me where to look...and they were right.
Through a series of events that continued for the next thirty-six hours, including more taunting, threats and physical oppression, I was Baker Acted. My reputation at work was ruined and subsequently I was fired without reason.
Doctors believed my claims were signs of mental illness and put me on anti-psychotic drugs. The medicines were ineffective. I was constantly groggy and disoriented and could barely walk. My parents became increasingly concerned. My mother called one day and asked if I would go to a Christian counselor with her and my father. I thought, "Why not, I have nothing else to do", although I was somewhat reluctant.
We went to the New Beginnings Christian Center and met with the counselor. God worked was able to rid me of no less than nine demons. I was afraid going into the session because I did not know what to expect as everyone reacts differently. As each wicked spirit left me, I could feel a tingling on the top of my head, as one single tear would fall from each eye.
Since the deliverance, I have been stress free. God has shown himself to me in a very real way and it is now my desire to serve Him in all things.
I got saved when I was 19 and I have been a Christian for 10 years. I've have been in active leadership roles such as leading adult small group Bible studies, being a youth leader, organizing and leading mission trips, and planning large group meetings for a college ministry. My daily devotional life has been strong and consistent during most of my Christian life. I attended seminary for a year to obtain a certificate of ministry to better prepare myself for the mission field I hope to embark upon at some stage of my life. The Lord has become my best friend and I want to please Him with every aspect of my life. That's why it was so troubling when I seemed to keep stumbling in the same patterns of immoral behavior over and over again. It just grieved my heart terribly, because I knew my thoughts and actions were grieving the Holy Spirit. But I could not seem to overcome this issue. For me personally, that issue was being emotionally and physically attracted to other women.
I was very good at luring them into my web and getting them entangled in emotional dependency and lustful desires. They were very responsive to me, even though they may have been involved in perfectly healthy marriages. As this issue continued to linger, I realized there was a spiritual presence in my life that I had welcomed at some point in my life. I finally began to recognize the seriousness of this ongoing spiritual battle in my life, and no longer could I take a back seat and just let it continue. I had to take an aggressive stand against the enemy and let him know that he was no longer welcome in my life and my relationships. That's when I called New Beginnings and asked for assistance. The counseling that I received at this ministry was intensive and very effective. The thorough exploration of experiences that I had as a child and that continued through my adult years was very revealing
I realized that I had innocently participated or been exposed to several things in my life that opened the door for those spiritual strongholds to come in and take root. I had to confess and renounce each of those activities one by one in order to effectively utilize the authority that I had been given in Jesus Christ. Certain strongholds such as pride and fornication I knew were present, but other strongholds that I never knew about such as seduction and fear of authority became apparent. Just by uncovering the mystery of these hidden strongholds in my life and breaking agreement with them truly brought a new sense of freedom in my spiritual life. I was much more equipped to fight the spiritual battle, because I understood the opposition much better. The Word of God is the only weapon that I have, but I can learn to use it more effectively now that I know how and where to direct my prayer and study. I have consistently prayed the daily warfare prayer that is suggested by New Beginnings, and it has helped me to be much more strategic and authoritative in my prayer life.
I know that I have come to a new level of freedom in my walk with the Lord, but I also know that I can't just sit back and ride the wave. I have to continually take up the armor of God and fight the good fight of faith. I just feel much more equipped to do it now that I'm disassociated from the spiritual presences that were so deeply ingrained in my life. I praise Jesus Christ for the deliverance He has brought about in my life, and I'm thankful for the folks at New Beginnings that have helped it to become a reality in my life.
I struggled more with frequent temptations and graphic images that came to me mentally and other things like symptoms of sickness. It was hard to spiritually see what the Lord wanted to do in my life and through me. I had more sexual temptations around the opposite sex. After my ministry at New Beginnings, I have fewer temptations and fewer graphic images tormenting me. I feel healthier. I can see more clearly what the Lord can do in my life and through me. I have less sexual temptations and more control over carnal desires. I feel more free spiritually and more peaceful and joyful. Thank you, Jesus!
Thank you for the forms you gave me from Warfare Plus when I attended the School week. I am able to start my vocation/ministry very soon. I am very grateful for all that I acquired through your ministry. No one in my sphere of influence will be the same, praise God!
Thank you for your hearts for the Lord; it's worth everything to serve Jesus.
When I accepted Jesus as my savior, I believed and was baptized in His name. At that time, I truly believed that the Spirit of God entered my spirit and He was and is sealed within me. However, my soul, consisting of my will, my mind, my emotions, my thoughts, my senses, my memories, my decisions, my choices, etc., are not sealed.
It is here, within my soul, that the battle was and is waged between the Spirit of God that is within me, and my own flesh and demonic forces from Satan. Unfortunately, the church I was saved in, didn’t believe that the Holy Spirit’s power was available for mankind since the apostles death. The Spirit of God within me was quenched from the very beginning when I accepted Christ as my Savior, and I quenched it more with poor choices and decisions. As a result, until recently, I was losing the war. Satan was winning the battles. I had been a failure and poor example of a Christian man, for the most part, in my walk with the Lord up to this point.
Many times in the past, due to the ongoing sins I committed, I would cry out to the Lord and cry for forgiveness and the strength to overcome the temptations that were relentless in my life. But, to no avail. Matters worsened as time went on, until finally, sin truly overcame me and totally separated me from God, as well as from my two ex-wives and other relationships. I was so far down into pit, I saw no hope. I recently, seriously, considered suicide.
I take full responsibility for my life. I make no excuses, I have none. I was and am a product of my own free will and my own choices. Many of which, in the past, were due to selfish and fleshly motivations and desires, separate and apart from demonic oppression.
I did, however, also come to learn, that there were generational curses, other curses, and demonic oppression in my life that significantly contributed to my inability to overcome my sinful behaviors, which continued to worsen over time. Some of these curses and strongholds in my life were passed down to me due to previous generations in my family being involved in the occult, pornography, sexual orgies, sexual abuse, domestic violence, etc., as well as curses that were placed on me by Buddhist monks while I was in Vietnam, among others.
After prayerful consideration and a genuine effort, choice, decision, and desire on my part to get right with God, and to overcome the sins that have plagued me for a lifetime, the Holy Spirit led me to New Beginnings Christian Counseling Center. I searched the internet for days, praying to God to lead me in the right direction, for a place that could address my failures and inability to overcome the sins in my life. Sins that destroyed two marriages and many other relationships--and almost destroyed me. I also came to believe, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that my issues were spiritual in nature. They also involved satanic and demonic oppression, in addition to my own poor choices and decisions. Finding a credible ministry and church that addressed such issues, in a godly and scriptural manner, was not easy, but the Lord came through. New Beginnings--what an appropriate name for the ministry and for me!
I went through deliverance. I read books, identified the strongholds in my life, prayed, was in the Bible every day and night, attended daily sessions with my counselor and came to know Jesus in an up close and personal way. He became my constant companion throughout all of this. My Confidant, my Comforter, my Revealer, but, most of all, my Friend. I got to know Him, and I know He knows me.
As a result of prayer, establishing a “real” and personal relationship with Christ, and having completed the deliverance program I am now free and forgiven! I know our Lord, Jesus, for the first time in my life. I know Him and He knows me. I am no longer in bondage. I have truly been set free. The strongholds no longer have power over me. My life has changed. Praise God! Where all this goes from here, God only knows!