Strongholds Listing

During our decades of deliverance ministry, we have been able to identify dozens of strongholds and spirits which commonly afflict Christians and non-Christians alike. We won’t attempt to provide the details on all of them, but they are listed below for you to potentially identify which you may be struggling from.
Our deliverance is extremely thorough and provides freedom from all those listed here, as well as any others operating in your life. We’ve learned that by calling them by name for what they are, the effectiveness of the deliverance is magnified. But we also combine the deliverance with a thorough education to ensure all open doors are identified and shut, and all strongholds are loosened and removed for good.
In the Word of God:
"And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues…” (Mark 16:17).
Strongholds Listing:
Haughty: Pride, Perfection, Accusation, Competition, Mockery, Stubbornness, Self-righteousness, Gossip, Boastful, Sarcastic, Critical
Deaf & Dumb: Mental Illness, Insanity, Seizures / Epilepsy, Double Mindedness, Multi-personality, Hyperactivity, Self-mutilation
Slumber: Withdrawal, Mind-binding, Sleepiness, Forgetfulness, Stupidity, Daydreaming, Trances, Laziness, Lethargy, Sluggishness, Confusion
Divination: Occult, Magic (white or black)
Familiar: Spirit Guides, Inherited Curses, Curses from – witch, warlock, Satanist, Indian Curses, Santeria Curses, Roots Curses, Voo Doo Curses, Words that have been spoken
Fear: Insecurity, Inadequacy, Inferiority Complex, Timidity, Worry, Sensitivity, Fear of Authority, Terror, Torment / Horror, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Phobias, Anxiety, Nervousness, Abandonment, Procrastination
Heaviness: Gloominess & Sadness, Rejection, Despair, Grief, Fatigue, Guilt, Self-pity, Loneliness, Depression, Manic Depression, Suicide, Insomnia
Jealousy: Impatience, Bitterness, Strife, Covetousness, Control (Jezebel), Revenge, Retaliation, Wrath, Suspicion, Anger, Rage, Hatred, Murder, Violence, Restlessness, Selfishness
Lying: Deception / Lies, Exaggeration, Profanity, Hypocrisy, Condemning Others, Theft, Isolation, Vanity
Anti-Christ: Doubt & Unbelief, Rebellion, Witchcraft, Self-Exaltation
Bondage: Hindering (can’t call on God – hold back God’s call on your life), Greed, Gluttony, Obesity, Addiction (drugs, alcohol, nicotine), Anorexia, Bulimia
Infirmity: Inherited curse (Infirmity), Arthritis, Asthma – Hay Fever – Allergies, Fever, Cancer, Death, Every Disease, Pain
Whoredom: Prostitution, Cults, Religious, Legalism / Tradition, Idolatry (money, etc.), Emotional Weakness, Fornication, Adultery
Perversion: Word Twisting, Lust, Lesbianism, Homosexuality, Masturbation, Sodomy, Bestiality, Child Molestation, Incest, Exhibitionism, Pornography, Seducing Spirit, Sensual Thoughts
You Can Be Set Free!
Freedom is available from Addiction through Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross. Click if you are interested in learning more about a Private Counseling Session or our "Break Free" Group Deliverance Seminars.
To learn more about how demonic strongholds can actually afflict born again Christians, as well as how the deliverance process sets people free, Click Here.