
"Can a Christian have a demon?"
One of the most frequently asked questions by Christians about deliverance ministry is if a Christian can have a demonic stronghold. They are really asking if a Christian can have a demon, just like we see how many people were afflicted in the bible. The answer to this question is absolutely yes, a Christian can have a demon.
It may be more accurate to ask, however, “Can a demon have a Christian?” We are also asked many times if a Christian can be possessed. There’s a big difference between possession and oppression. This can be better explained as we understand and properly divide the Word of God.
Man is a trichotomy: spirit, soul and body.
Genesis 2:7 says “And God formed man of the dust of the ground (body), breathed life into his nostrils the breath of life (spirit), man became a living soul (soul).”
1 Thessalonians 5:23 explains “And the very God of Peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
The very first commandment Jesus gave us is contained in Mark 12:20: “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart (spirit), and with all thy Soul, and with all they Mind (soul), and with all thy Strength (body).”
When we became born again, our spirit man was born again. 2 Corinthians 5:17 states “Therefore if any man be in Chris, he is a new creature; old things pass away; behold all things become new.” Our spirit man becomes a new creature and it is sealed by the Holy Ghost. Satan cannot touch that part of us.
However, Paul wrote to the Christians in Romans 12:1-2, “I beseech ye therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
When we become born again (Christian), normally no change takes place in our soul and body. If you had a broken leg before you were born again, you still have it afterwards. If you had diabetes before, you have it afterwards. If you had fear before you got saved, chances are, you are now a Christian that still has fear. If you had anger, you probably still have anger, although the Holy Spirit convicts you every time you “fly off the handle.”
Every human being has a God-given gift called the free will. We all have a right to choose or think on our own. No one can take that from us including satan himself. Therefore, satan knows he cannot possess us or take total control. We have seen one or two people that have been totally possessed out of the thousands we have prayed for, and that’s only because they gave their will totally to satan.
Since satan realizes he cannot take total control, he wants to get a little stronghold. What is a stronghold? It is a portion of territory that refuses to submit to the ruling authority. It’s a military term. Satan wants to get a little territory under his influence. It may be fear, rejection, depression, bitterness, revenge, anger also bondage of addiction, lust, pornography or any type of perversion. These strongholds often begin when we are children. Our environment, the things we were exposed to and our inherited bloodline determine what these strongholds are. They start working on our soulish area (emotions, memory, mind and will). These oppressions can become so strong in our lives that they hinder our Christian walk. They split marriages and cause division in our homes, churches and businesses.
Many Christians don’t acknowledge demonic influence, yet these unseen forces are working in their lives. They just can’t get the victory. Ungodly attitudes and actions certainly are not the fruits of the Spirit. They are works of the flesh, and in many cases there is a demonic spirit behind them. When people keep falling into the same trap over and over again and cannot get the victory over it, that is generally caused by demonic oppression. This is not from God. There is a demonic force behind it.
When we pray, the demons often manifest. After you are set free you are able to soar with the Lord. You will mature more in the Lord in a few weeks than some have seen in years. Why carry all that baggage? Jesus wants you to be free. He is looking for a church without spot or wrinkle. No matter if you want to call it a demon, a stronghold, an affliction, oppression, addiction or any other “ion”, it is safe to consider it to be a spot and a wrinkle. Let’s get rid of the spots and the wrinkles. Learn even more about the strongholds we have identified after decades in the deliverance ministry here.
You can be free if you want to be! Go through our deliverance ministry today! Click to learn more about Private Deliverance Counseling or about our group deliverance "Break Free" Seminars.