Paul and Claire Hollis

Dr. Paul Hollis was born to a wonderful Christian family. His father was an Assembly of God pastor for 40 years. There have been twenty-two full time preachers in his immediate family. He was born-again as a child.
He graduated from Evangel University with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He received an earned Doctorate of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology from Jacksonville Theological Seminary in 1999.
Dr. Claire Hollis was adopted at birth into non-Christian family. She went to church with a girl friend, accepted Jesus as her Savior and was baptized with a wet rose sprinkled over her head. She was truly born-again at the age of 32 and has never been the same since.
She attended Southern Illinois University. She received and earned Doctorate of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology from Jacksonville Theological Seminary in 1999.
Paul and Claire have authored 21 books and manuals between them since entering the ministry. They reside in Tampa, FL, and have eight children, 25 grandchildren, and two great grand children