Healing Rooms

Welcome to Healing Rooms of Tampa Bay!

Living Free Ministries would like to thank you for joining us in The Healing Rooms!
The Healing Rooms of Tampa Bay offer sensitive prayer for those in need of healing. It is a ministry committed to serving the sick through the ministry of God's Healing Word, the power of His presence and compassionate prayer.
We believe that it is God's will for the sick to be healed and that the power of Christ is available to all who ask. Many who have come have experienced divine healing. If you are looking for a touch from God, we invite you to come and receive.
The Healing Rooms of Tampa Bay are open to all people. The prayer teams have been trained and are experienced in prayer for all types of illness.
Even as you enter this facility, you will find it to be a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.
We are open from 6:30pm to 8:30pm every Monday, with the exception of designated national holidays.
Prayer sessions are by appointment only and can be in-person or online via Zoom.
You can book your appointment here.
We hope to have the opportunity to minister God's healing prayer to you!
The Healing Rooms are located at 3405 W. Kenyon Ave., Tampa, FL 33614.